Sunday, September 23, 2007


Just wanted to keep everyone updated. I have spoken to no one regarding these plans so lets see how they fly.

With the postponement/cencelation of the New Englands in Portland this weekend it would seem we need a venue for the trophy. Hey, what do you know? We have a regatta coming up! With Marty's permission we can race for the NE's in Bristol this year and will happily give the reins back to Marty for next year.

Now, the rumor mill. I have heard that there is a wedding planned for the same day at Bristol Yacht Club. I do not know what this means in regards to us. NO ONE PANIC! I am going to talk with the fleet guys and some others about Sail Newport being a back-up venue. If we end up going down that path we will discuss and decide VERY EARLY if we should make this a two-day event.

So, to wrap up. Spookfest is on. We can call it the New Englands. We will pursue a back-up location so people should absolutely plan to attend. We will be having one more regatta this year! I'm the decider. HA! HA! HA!

The bigest help we can get right now is from everyone who is planning on attending. I have heard back from a lot of people and this could be a good event so far. There is no reason why we cant have a ton of boats and make it a great event.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Email me, Oakley, Josh or post a comment here if you plan on attending. Otherwise, back to work. That yard's not going to clean itself up and snow will not cover your laziness for at least a month.


Blogger pingree8 said...

Fleet 57 is sending one boat, with the usual suspects.

As an additional incentive, we have purchased, at a cost of over $7 apiece, some BFM's with the '07 New Englands logon on them, for the first 5 boats to drink their beers outta.


11:03 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

Fleet 46, yes I know the Ghost Fleet, will be there with Red Witch appropriately enough for the Spookfest. I'm trying to convince other Ghosts to join the outing but many have already retired to their attics for the season and have their boats already wrapped like mummies in tarps or encased in dark recesses winter storage. Looking forward to meeting many new faces and sailing with you soon. - Pete

8:21 PM  

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